The best thing that can happen to a movement, religion, or, especially, government, is to have a useful enemy to blame so they can demand people to part with their freedoms, trasury and liberty.
To a higher or lesser degree, every government in the world uses an enemy to silence dissent: just think of jews in Nazi Germany´s case, terrorism during Bush´s years, imperialism for many latin american countries, and so on.
But interestingly, the form of government we usually call democracy, where we delegate power to the state, also uses a false enemy with disconcerting frequency: whenever someone starts to list this model´s the agency problem where politicians, like everyone else, don´t waste a single atom of their energy for someone else but worry a lot about their own careers and pockets..then this person can be accused of advocating tyranny.
Obviously, with all its flaws it is much better to live in a democratic society than in a dictatorial one.
That being said, it seems clear to me that the opposite of delegating power and money to politicians is simply not delegating and mainting a very small state, if any at all.It is not, delegating power and money to a tyrant.
Likewise, when asked the opposite of poligamy many people would say it is monogamy.In reality, the opposite of one man marrying several women is poliandry, one woman marrying several men..a system that exists in a few parts of Africa.
False opposites, false enemies, false choices..some of the weapons politicans use to make us part with our own liberties.