sexta-feira, 21 de setembro de 2012

Apartheid state

                                          America's best friend

America used to be a country that defended freedom , democracy and hold dear these values.That used to be the norm, but well, not quite, when Israel's interests can be in danger.
Both candidates try to outdo the other as who is more supportive and has a blinder eye to Israel's violence( i have to admit, Romney is the winner, he just wants to scrap the peace process altogether and give carte blanche for Israel to do whatever it wants.)He said ``palestinans will never want peace`` like all Netanyahu has tried to do in the last few years was to broke a peace deal with the palestinians.
The cristian right, in its obscure alliance with the jewish right ( what the hell is a judeo-cristian culture, this fabricated expression, anyway??)  is trying hard to build support to make its second military adventure in the Middle East in little more than a decade ( Iraq being the first) .This time is a little bit harder: it is impossible to blame 09/11 on everybody that hates Israel in the Middle East.

And by the way, this position is not shared by the vast majority of jewish people all over the world:

Evangelical Zionists hold views that fundamentally clash with Jewish opinions on a whole host of social and civil issues. Even their pro-Israel position contrasts with that of most Jews. Evangelical Zionists support far-right wing, “Greater Israel” positions that do nothing to advance peaceful coexistence with Palestinian and Arab neighbors. Yet, in the 2011 American Jewish Committee Annual Survey of American Jewish Opinion, 51% of Jews agreed that Israel should dismantle at least some of the settlements as part of a final status deal with the Palestinians.
This relationship is a moral and practical dead-end. The partnership between evangelical Zionism and the Jewish community is a relationship that will not bear fruits for the American Jewish community’s largely left-of-center Israel advocacy goals.
There is one Zionist group on campus that finds no problem galvanizing supporters, funding activities or creatin­­g controversy: Christians United for Israel (CUFI). Born out of a dream by right-wing fundamentalist televangelist Reverend John Hagee, CUFI’s national board is a who’s who of neo-conservative and evangelical leaders including Jonathan Falwell, son of the late Reverend Jerry Falwell and Gary Bauer, president of the right-wing political origination American Values.
( From Global Jewish Voice)

Unlike Mitt Romney i still believe that someday, somehow we will have a peace process in the Middle East.It just requires a change of leadership on both sides.It will take time, tough.I still remmember being 12 and seeing Rabin and Arafat shaking hands for all the world to see.But fundamentalist on both sides that benefit from the status quo ( politicians are to blame for the problems of the world, always) were very sucessfull in terminating the peace process.
And the strangest thing about the recent  movie controversy: it is funny to see how the haters and fundamentalists feed each other.A bunch of crazy guys did that movie, that was fastly used but another bunch of fundamentalist clerics to show how they were right and yes, Israel/Amerca hates them.
America can be better than that.It can be a more impartial ally and yes, it can be a trusted broker in the peace process.But this too, probably will require a change of leadership and vision in America.
Meanwhile, the more i see America acting on the world stage, i ask myself if they are really espousing the cause of freedom of just a few lobbies and geopolitical interests.And more and more i like Switzerland and its non-interventionist ethos.And the less i am afraid for a new geopolitical reality where America no longer leads.

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