quinta-feira, 18 de outubro de 2012

About the Joe Rogan Youtube video

While i am a lifelong fan of Joe Rogan´s worldview ( specially his public support for US presidential candidate Ron Paul) i would amplify on some of his comments on the Youtube video we recently posted on this Blog ( http://libertarianplanet.blogspot.com.br/2012/10/joe-rogan-tells-it-all.html
I don´t disagree at all with the notion that there´s an active industry that profits from the constant engagement of the USA in various wars.However, i don´t think this is the only reason, as his video implies,  that makes  the US fight new wars all the time.

Bellow some aditional reasons for the US military industrial complex´s sucess and particularly some reasons for the second Iraq war: 

a) Personal preferences.

 George W Bush, according to multiples reports, lacked a sense of purpose and pride during the early part of his presidency( especially before 09/11, when he had just won a bitterly contested election and before he took advantage of the natural sense of commotion because of the terorist attacks ) .He always had profound admirations for the US military power.So, he wanted to be a ''war president''.

b) The republican right

 US right wind ideologues came up with a bizarre term called judeo-christian culture.Basically it is a worldview that verges on supremacism that basically rejects any wordview that they deem unreligious, uncapitalist , leftist or anti-Israel.To stay in the Iraq War example, George W Bush was a fervorous evangelical follower who had a strong worldview based on this right wing ideology.So it is natural that the two countries considered to be the biggest Israel adversaries in the Middle East are being fought by the US: first Iraq, with in the excuse of having wapons of mass descruction ( in the aftermath of 09/11 Bush took advantage of an american lack of knowledge about the distance between Al Quaeda and Saddam hussein) The second foe, Iran, is going to face war anytime now, this time with not any excuse about why this war would be of any interest for the american people.

c) Supremacist ideologues that think the world should be shaped by the american agenda.


In sort, i don´t think joe Rogan ignores these points.Of course money also plays a proeminent role.I think he kept the argument in the industrial-military complex for simplicity sake and to have his point across.
Anyway, my hat is off to him, for being a celebrity not afraid of speaking the truth.

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