terça-feira, 15 de janeiro de 2013

Stupid drug policies

                                              Marijuana that gets to California.

                                  The same marijuana confiscated when crossing the border

It is a happy circunstance that marijuana is ``de facto``, if not ``de iuri`` pretty much legal in much of the US, especially California, right now.
I really believe this is part of a irreversible trend, like ,say, gay marriage or freedom to marry anyone you choose.There's always a time when people start to change so fast that government can't control them anymore.It happens sooner or later in any subject.So, in California at least, this time seems to have come regarding marijuana.
Far away from liberal americans, however, US policies remain as stupid as ever.
The same marijuana that is peacefully smoken by young americans in love with self expression, could lead to huge trouble to the person who worked to deliver it.It is a curious fact: the same product, if caught in possession with a mexican crossing the border would lead to decades in jail.If caught in the hand of a 21year old caucasian girl in california would lead to...an offer of a lighter by the nearest police officer.
Very rational times we live in indeed.

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